We're proud to announce that we has partnered with #BitgertChain. @bitgertbrise, a fast, scalable and cheap-to-use chain.
01 Feb 2023, 08:13
We're proud to announce that we has partnered with #BitgertChain! ✅
🔥@bitgertbrise, a fast, scalable and cheap-to-use chain.
Even more possibilities with the integration of Bitgert. 👀
#REINetwork #REI #BRISE #Web3
Same news in other sources
201 Feb 2023, 08:26
RT @bitgertbrise: ⚡️Partnership Ann: @GXChainGlobal to integrate Bitgert chain!
REI was developed for the evolution trend of the #Blockcha…
RT @bitgertbrise: ️Partnership Ann: @GXChainGlobal to integrate Bitgert chain.
RT @bitgertbrise: ⚡️Partnership Ann: @GXChainGlobal to integrate Bitgert chain!
REI was developed for the evolution trend of the #Blockcha…
01 Feb 2023, 08:19
GXChain telegram news 01 February 2023 08:19